sunnuntai 27. syyskuuta 2015

Week 4

Hi everyone!

This week I wasn’t able to be present in school. On Monday I had a doctor appointment and on Thursday I was offered to work as a teacher in a school. This was awesome for me as I’m jobless at the moment.

Unfortunately for some I reason wasn’t able to open lecture materials from Google Drive so there isn’t much I can write about Mondays lecture. But I heard we got to know what company we are going to work with in this module. Our group is going to work with Celectus Oy. The topic/project has to do with Taivas ja Helvetti. Hopefully we will hear about this more tomorrow. We also have to prepare questions for the company representative.

To Thursday every group had to prepare a presentation about a self-chosen topic. Our group chose to do a presentation about Twitter, what Twitter is, what it’s used for and how to use it. The presentation became very good but we didn’t have to present it to the others.
Groups that presented on Thursday had chosen topics like Puma and blogging. I heard those presentations was awesome!

On Thursday I got very good news!! I was offered an internship place as an analyst in a new start-up company called WorldSome. I’m so excited about this opportunity and can’t wait to get started with my internship. You can go and read some more about the company and what they do on their homepage:

( Image borrowed from

Have a nice start on a new week!


sunnuntai 20. syyskuuta 2015

Week 3

Hi again!

On Monday our lecture was about Cultural differences. I have never really thought about the fact that in business world it’s very important that you understand and are aware of the differences in different countries culture. In some other country something that in Finland is consider a compliment might in another country be consider as an insult.
An example of this could be that in Russia (as in many other countries also) giving yellow flowers means that you want to break up with the person you give the flowers to. There are a lot of examples like this. Also an example is that in Finland we say hello by shaking hands in some other country they kiss each others on the cheeks. This is something I’m familiar with.
Still there was a lot of things I never had thought you should take into account when you work with people from other countries.

We also had a guest lecturer Lynn-Marie Sederlöf-Airisto. She told us about international marketing. She also gave us a task to answer a few questions to help her developing marketing of Lacy Box in Finland. We made a Power Point about our group answers/opinions to her questions.

We had an exercise to choose a country and tell about their culture and cultural differences. Our group chose to do a presentation about Russian culture. We hade a meeting on Tuesday and we made a PowerPoint presentation about Russian culture. We learnt a lot about their culture and it made us understand why they behave like they do.
Here I need to say that we have an awesome team!! We have so fun together and still we get everything done!

This picture tells it all

On Thursday hade a lecture where some of the students presented their presentation about the country they hade chosen. It was very interesting to hear about other countries as Latvia, Spain and Luxemburg. Some groups hade made very awesome videos about their countries culture!!

As homework we had to do our own cultural luggage. Here is mine!

I will write to you again next week!


sunnuntai 13. syyskuuta 2015

Week 2

This week we hade lectures about marketing communication and personal branding.

You have to think about what kind of information and pictures you put on for example Facebook. Information on internet about you can be found easily and it might not be that kind of impression you want to give to your future employer.

This week we also have to do a Personal Pitch. This might be a quite big challenge for me, but I think I’m going to be fine.

I was familiar from before with some of the things on Thursday’s lecture about marketing communications and social media marketing. It’s unbelievable to think how much the social media marketing have growth in such a few years. It’s confusing to think how much it will grow in the future.

I’m looking forward to next week when someone will come and speak about international marketing.


sunnuntai 6. syyskuuta 2015

Week 1

I’m Nora, one of the members in team #Digi.
First I was a bit nervous about this course, because I don’t feel comfortable speaking English in front of everyone. I think that the reason for that is that we don’t use English that much in Finland.  Hopefully in the end of this course I will feel more comfortable speaking English in front of many people.

I have a very nice team with two boys and three girls (including me).  I’m looking forward to start the real working with this team! I’m sure we will have fun together during this course.

On the first week we made an overview of the course. On Monday we make a mind map over different social medias, internet and applications we use in our everyday life. Our second task was to imagine how world would be in 2020. We made a little Power Point show about our ideas.
Here is a very bad picture about our mind map from Monday
